Triangle Real Producers magazine profiled Move Elders with Ease and its founder, Susan Stanhope, in the October 2024 edition. The magazine features two to three professional partners each month for an in-depth profile.
Real Producers reaches hundreds of local real estate professionals. The magazine offers profiles on top REALTORS and features in-depth stories on businesses that partner with real estate professionals and that provide services that help real estate teams.
Susan shared the history of Move Elders with Ease with the magazine, detailing the company’s beginnings and discussing her team’s processes to simplify each move and transition. During the interview, Susan showcased her favorite tool—a magnetic board with furniture magnets used to help seniors see the new layout of a space.
“Until they know what furniture will fit in their new residence, they will feel a lot of anxiety,” Susan explained in her interview with Real Producers. “Creating the furniture layout really helps to calm down people’s minds.”
The interview also showcased Susan’s tool for staying calm and centered (singing bowls!). Check out the full article in Triangle Real Producers and learn more about the history of Move Elders with Ease and Susan!